Some Basic Easy Stretches for Those Beginning Yoga

As most of us, I come from a family with a pretty unhealthy background.

Sure, we were active as children and they took us to the beach (as most Californians do), but our elder generations were raised on the boom of TV dinners and packaged processed foods.

I’m so happy to say this, that I’m proud of my mother as she has lost nearly 70 lbs., and is continuing her path to a more healthy lifestyle, after years of being overweight and unhappy with herself. I’ve seen such a change and progression in her. It has also been a beautiful challenge for me to come up with ways of showing her yoga postures that benefit her and can help aide her in her journey, as well as meditations to help overcome those feelings of judgement and sadness.

This morning she asked me for something that would help her feel better because she’s been sick. So I sent her these photos and decided to share them with you as well. These are very simple stretches that anyone can do, and their benefits are truly delicious.



  • In this posture, sit with your legs stretched straight out in front of you
  • Stretch your toes back towards your face so that your feet flexed
  • Take the flesh of your behind and pull it out to the sides so that your sitting bones are making better contact with the ground
  • Keep your back straight and stretch upwards, reaching towards the sky before folding forward
  • Try to keep the roundness out of your back by hinging at the hips
  • If you cannot reach your toes, grab your calves, or you can use a strap or scarf to help you (pictured below)
  • Breathe!
  • Stay here for as long as you’d like

This posture is very cooling. As you are stretching the backs of your legs and outer hips, you are also compressing your stomach, giving your inner organs a detoxifying squeeze. This also calms the nervous system.




  • From forward fold, draw your right knee into your chest and give it a little hug
  • Plant your right foot flat into the ground
  • Place your right hand behind your right hip and stretch your left arm to the sky, drawing extension upwards and out of your pelvic girdle
  • Take your left elbow to the outside of your right knee and twist to the right
  • If your elbow cannot reach that far, you can wrap your left hand around your right knee (as pictured)
  • Take your gaze over your right shoulder as you feel extension from the base of your spine, all the way though your neck
  • Stay here for 10-20 slow deep breaths in and out of your nose
  • Slowly back out of the twist and switch sides

Twists are a great way of detoxifying the inner organs as well as stimulating the digestive system. Twists are done right first, then to the left because of the arrangement of the organs in the belly. A flexible spine is also a priceless benefit of this pose. Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini Yoga in the west, states that one is only as young as the spine is flexible. I couldn’t agree more.



  • Find a nice wall space that you can easily use to put your legs up (make sure your feet are clean!)
  • Lay with your back on the ground and your butt right in the crease of the floorboard
  • Take a folded up blanket and put it beneath your sacrum/tailbone for support
  • Relax with your arms stretched out to the sides, palms turned upwards, allow your shoulder blades to sink into the ground
  • Stay here for about 5 to 10 minutes, relaxing completely, perhaps slipping off into a meditation

This pose is a great way of inverting the body in a cooling manner. By reversing the effects of gravity, it refreshes the blood flow, and helps to stimulate the circulatory system. All day we are either walking, standing, or sitting at a desk or in our cars, allowing blood to pool and stagnate in our feet and lower legs. Inverting yourself also brings fresh blood to the head, helping to bring mental clarity and focus.


My Saturday morning Vin Yin Flow class, 11 am at Malibu Beach Yoga. (pictured)

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